The following content provides links to Graduate School and Georgetown University policies and resources of particular concern to graduate students. In general, the information can be found in the Graduate Bulletin, the primary source for information about all manner of academic policies and procedures. Additional information for current students can be found on the program’s Canvas page.
Graduate Bulletin and Policies The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences establishes minimum requirements for admission and the award of degrees. Students should familiarize themselves with all the rules, regulations, and procedures relevant to their pursuit of a Graduate School degree. Learn more on the current version of the Graduate Bulletin.
Georgetown University Association for Women in Mathematics GUAWM’s commitment is to foster a supportive, inclusive, and encouraging environment, highlight the accomplishments of women in mathematics, discuss career opportunities, collaborate, have speaking events, workshops, academic conferences, and help with social events, among other activities.
American Mathematical Society All department graduate students are eligible to become student members of the American Mathematical Society while enrolled in courses.