Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact: 

Prof. Michael Raney, Director of Undergraduate Studies, mwr23@georgetown.edu.

Philosophy of research:

In any field research should be about asking new questions and gaining new knowledge. True mathematical research is rather removed from our undergraduate students. Hence, for undergraduate students wishing to participate in research the start is usually a reading course/ tutorial on a topic which is new to the student. Another possibility is a Senior Thesis or to study some topic using GUROP.

How to get started:

We have no systematic way of introducing undergraduate students to research. Students who are interested in mathematics beyond their classes can join the Math Club whose meetings may showcase research of some faculty. We offer tutorials to interested students.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor:

Interested students can talk to a faculty member and ask to participate in her/his research.

Earning credit for undergraduate research:

Students earn credits through for-credit courses involving research.

Getting paid for research:

Possible if a faculty member has grant funding.

Thesis or capstone research:

Some students make use of GUROP and write a Honor’s Thesis.