Prerequisites for Admission

To enter the program, students need the following:

  • A Bachelor’s degree and/or a Master’s degree in Mathematics (completed by the start of the PhD program) with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
  • A strong background in theory and applied mathematics courses including at least three proof based courses (eg. real analysis, complex analysis, abstract algebra, etc).

Applications from students who do not satisfy all of the prerequisites but have a strong academic background in a field that draws significantly from mathematics (eg, statistics, economics, computer science, etc.) and have taken several mathematics courses may be considered under special circumstances. Applications from prospective students who are in the process of taking relevant prerequisite courses will be accepted and evaluated. It is important to understand that satisfying the prerequisites does not alone guarantee admission. Admission is highly competitive and is the result of a number of factors including academic record, letters of recommendation, breadth and depth of academic background and experience, and strength of academic institutions attended.