
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers two majors. The A.B. major is designed for students planning graduate study or employment outside mathematics (medicine, law, business, finance, journalism, government service, or precollege teaching). The B.S. major is designed for students planning graduate study or employment in mathematics. Any student contemplating a math major or minor, and whose faculty advisor is not in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, is strongly urged to consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

It is recommended that students considering majoring in mathematics take Introduction to Proof and Problem Solving (MATH-2800) following Calculus II and no later than Fall of their Sophomore year. This course gives students a good understanding of what is involved in higher mathematics and will help them decide if they want to be a math major.

Note: Effective Fall 2023, all main campus courses have been renumbered using a new 4-digit numbering system.


Minor in Mathematics

The minor requires a minimum of six courses, with five of the courses at the 1500 level or above. Required courses are

  • MATH-1360 Calculus II
  • MATH-2250 Linear Algebra
  • MATH-2370 Multivariable Calculus
  • 3 Mathematics electives at the 2000+ level. At least two of these must be non-Statistics electives. MATH-2140 (Introduction to Mathematical Statistics) may be regarded as a Mathematics elective for this purpose.

Calculus I (MATH-1350) (or its equivalent in the form of AP credit or passing a departmental exam) is a pre-requisite for Calculus II. An upper level course may be substituted for Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus, and Linear Algebra for students passing an appropriate departmental placement test. The math minor must take a minimum of two 2000+ level courses within the department, regardless of transfer credit or study abroad credit.

Minor in Statistics

The Minor in Statistics is designed to develop skills that complement various major degree programs in the social and natural sciences. The program will help students master statistical reasoning, the basics of statistical theory, and advanced techniques in data analysis. The Statistics minor will provide valuable preparation for postgraduate professional and academic degree programs and will broaden the possibilities for employment. The minor in statistics requires the following six courses:

  • MATH-1360 Calculus II
  • MATH-1505 Data Visualization and Graphics
  • MATH-2140 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics. DSAN-5100 may be used as a substitute for MATH-2140. Students who have taken ECON-2110 should take a third statistics elective at the 2000+ level instead of MATH-2140.
  • MATH-2540 Regression Analysis. PSYC-5004 may be used as a substitute for MATH-2540. Students who have taken PSYC-5004 and are applying it to a Psychology major or another major must take another 2000+ Statistics elective in place of MATH-2540.
  • Two Statistics Electives at the 2000+ level (e.g. MATH-2240, MATH-2620, MATH-2625, MATH-2640, MATH-2645, MATH-4001)


1. Calculus I (MATH-1350) [or its equivalent in the form of AP credit or passing a departmental exam] is a prerequisite for Calculus II.

2. Subject to approval for content and level of the course, a student may take one of the statistics electives outside of the department. One such course is ECON-5554 Data Analysis.

3. A statistics minor must take a minimum of two 2000+ level Statistics courses within the department, regardless of transfer credit or study abroad. 

4. Students who major in mathematics (B.S. or A.B.) are not eligible to pursue the Minor in Statistics.